Sunday, May 17, 2020

College Students Sleep, Sleep Disorders, And Mental...

When people hear the word sleep, they often fantasize themselves crawling into their cozy bed after a long, tiresome day. For countless college students, sleep is often just a dream. Countless studies have been done to attempt to understand why college students seem to lack of sleep and why they have a challenging time acquiring a suitable night’s sleep. After skimming through various articles, I found a few major themes correlated with college students and sleep: poor GPA, sleep disorders, and mental disorders. The amount of sleep a college student gets can effect or cause the previously stated themes. When a student sleeps, they are not only fulfilling a psychological need to function, they are also preventing things such as a low GPA, sleep disorders, and mental disorders. Through the years, the acronym GPA has grown to become something that a bulk of college students overlook. Nevertheless I learned from experience, GPA matters. I have seen family members in college get tu rned down from internships due to a low GPA; these internships could have helped them find their dream job. A number of higher education institutions only grant internships to students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (Maynard, Michael L., 2000). Due to this information, students study longer, strenuous hours in an attempt to make up for lost time. What they fail to notice is one vital component they are leaving out of their now crammed routine: sleep. Through many studies, sleep has proven to be aShow MoreRelatedCollege Students Exposure to Mental Illness743 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction Many American students who graduate school seeking a higher education through college and or technical school is typically idolized amongst families and peers. Unfortunately, college has become extremely expensive for those living in the middle and lower class households. 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