Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dropping The Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki During World...

Dropping the Bomb In 1945 America committed an act that some consider to be one of the most destructive acts in the world. It has been questioned why America would execute the devastating dropping of the bombs, nicknamed fat man and little boy, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War two. One of the first and probably main factors for dropping the bombs was to end World War two as soon as possible. The cost of the war was steadily increasing and Truman wanted keep the cost as low as possible. Truman thought dropping the bomb was a successful way of ending the war quickly. Also, dropping the bomb could be a response to Pearl Harbor and what they did the United States. When a general raised objections to use the bombs, Truman responded by noting that atrocities of Pearl Harbor and said that â€Å"when you have to deal with a beast you have to treat him as a beast† ( That statement affected Truman’s decision even more because he felt like just calling in airs trikes and keep on battling the war wasn’t enough. Dropping the bombs he felt would get even with the Japanese for what they did at Pearl Harbor. Another factor was that the secret program that the Unites States used to make the atomic bombs (Manhattan Project) cost nearly two million. Spending that amount of money and not using the bomb would be a waste of money and resources. Truman felt the investing in research, tests, and the building of the atomic bombs would be a tragic waste if not used . 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